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O U R   A P P R O A C H

Culture &

Moving purpose off the wall and into the hearts of your people and processes

Meaning is the BIG Unmet Need for Employees.

Even if functional requirements like compensation, benefits, and daily work experience are all satisfactory, it’s still not enough to drive loyalty alone. Employers must meet these functional requirements AND build a culture of belonging, growth, and meaning to see results in the lives of their people and in the success of the company.

Purpose-powered Culture

Identifying how you impact lives through your organization is the foundation of a meaningful culture. Many leaders struggle to build a company that is high-performing and purpose-led, and in that void, the culture tends to focus on performance alone. Yet, we’ve found that building your culture on a shared purpose is what leads to your highest level of organizational performance. If you want performance, lead with purpose.

Why should your employees care…

  • About this company?
  • About this job?
  • About being engaged?
  • About being productive?

It’s every company’s responsibility to tell a compelling story that answers these questions and motivates people to join you in your purpose.

What is workplace culture?

Workplace culture is the unique personality of an organization, shaped by its values, behaviors, and interactions. Your culture is a primary driver of your company’s long-term success.

What’s at stake?


70% of employees are disengaged.



Disengaged employees cost the U.S. $550 billion in lost productivity per year.



Employees are three times as likely to stay at purpose-driven companies.


The ROI of Purpose

What is workplace culture?

Workplace culture is the unique personality of an organization, shaped by its values, behaviors, and interactions. Your culture is a primary driver of your company’s long-term success.

What’s at stake?


70% of employees are disengaged.



Disengaged employees cost the U.S. $550 billion in lost productivity per year.



Employees are three times as likely to stay at purpose-driven companies.


The ROI of Purpose

T H E   S O L U T I O N

Conversations create culture

Culture is created one meaningful conversation at a time. From 1-on-1s with a Supervisor to company-wide communication, every conversation counts in building an authentic, purpose-powered culture. Through our Ovrflo Culture System, we implement intentional, scalable, purpose-led conversations at every level of your company.

Explore each step

“Every decision that we make now goes back to our purpose, and AM really set the stage. It was the foundational piece that everything we’re doing now is feeding off of, and we’re reaching new heights.”

Carl Motter, CRO

Van‘s Kitchen

“Every decision that we make now goes back to our purpose, and AM really set the stage. It was the foundational piece that everything we’re doing now is feeding off of, and we’re reaching new heights.”

Carl Motter, CRO

Van‘s Kitchen

O V R F L O   C L I E N T S


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