
Buffer Insurance

Purpose Messaging




The most meaningful impact we make is in the lives of others. Your future and the future of those who are counting on you is worth protecting.


We exist to protect and ensure the future impact of our clients and those who are counting on them.


Your impact ensured.™

Buffer Insurance believes that the most meaningful impact they make is in the lives of others. Protecting others and ensuring their future impact is their highest priority. Buffer educates business leaders on ways to protect their vision and assists seniors transitioning to Medicare by finding coverages that will protect their future. It’s easy to see insurance as an obstacle, not an opportunity, but Buffer is here to change how people think about employee benefits and Medicare.

The Starting Point

Every once in a while, we get the chance to start at the ground floor with our clients. This was the case with Buffer Insurance. The owner/founder came to us with a name, a business model, and just one or two employees—the rest had yet to be built. We knew it’d be the beginning of a special relationship with their team as we started dreaming about what this brand could be.

As a fledgling company, uncovering the purpose behind the brand was essentially the same as uncovering the owner’s purpose. We had lengthy conversations about why he stepped into insurance in the first place and how he wanted to create meaningful change for his customers and his employees.

Purpose Uncovered

We quickly found that Buffer had an advantage in insurance when it comes to messaging—most other companies are driven by shallow cost-saving or fear-driven scenarios. Buffer, however, is inspired by making an impact for others, and ensuring that impact for the future. They want to help people live their life to the fullest, without having to worry about Medicare or employee benefits. Once we had uncovered that, we knew we had what we needed to create a purpose conversation for Buffer that would attract and inspire their audiences and set them apart in the industry.

Purpose-powered Branding

After conducting an in-depth competitor analysis, we were able to hone in on a look and feel that suited Buffer’s overall brand purpose. While others had gotten close, there was no other company in the industry that had been so focused on their “why” as they developed the brand. We implemented a brand-new logo, one that was captivating and energetic while also conveying deeper meaning to team members and customers. We applied the same process to their website, marketing collateral, and more.

The Ovrflo Process

Marketing Implementation

The last step in our process is about implementing all of this change into real-world strategy that will bring in customers and increase revenue. In short, Buffer was no longer an insurance company. They were now an impact company. We infused this energy and messaging into sales decks, social media, email campaigns, and event collateral. It’s a framework and perspective that still permeates through Buffer’s team, which is now up to more than 20 employees and agents, and drives every decision they make in their expanding business.

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